Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Little Caesars Store locations and Hours Post

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I have been go here for the last two years going on three years at least three to four times a month never had a problem with them. They are always nice, working hard, and always concerned about their customers and never put in any complains. The last two weeks Ive went in twice and had to put complains in both times, the quality in the fresh pizza was dried out bad and the bread sticks have been burnt. I was told the oven is having some problems but this is getting ridiculous. Management needs to fix the oven or i wont go there anymore if i keep having to waste my gas to make another trip to get what i paid for. We get the same thing every time and this time i was not happy. The employees fixed it right away and were so nice and sweet about it. But the time I got back from fixing my bread stick my pizza is cold.

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