Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Olive Garden Store locations and Hours Post

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Took my daughters 12 n 14 asked for kids menu for the 12 yr old. waitress refused said for 10 n under, which is incorrect. Its for 12 n under. Shouldn't matter afterall I'm the one paying not Olive Garden. She proceeded to offer to get mgr very loudly n when I said no we'll just order off reg menu she kept offering n drawing attention. Later after we ordered I spoke to mgr who said it was for 12 n up. He offered to get kids menu, I said no since we had ordered. I told him it shouldn't matter it never does at any other place I eat out at. I don't care if you 50, they aren't buying and certainly don't dictate my diet choice or pocketbook. Who do they think they are! Do they think their food is so great that i'll keep coming back for that nonsense! I can get a kid menu for any age anywhere in town, weather its fast good or Applebees or chilis. What's their prob.? Their food taste n quality has gone down over the years anyway. They better re think their drink! Customers won't put up with this crap!!!

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