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Report abuse on a Taco Bell Store locations and Hours Post

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We came in during the crazy lunch time when loads of high schoolers are eating. We are from out of town and didn't know it'd be so nutty. But the helper-girl (handicapped) who wipes tables, empties the garbage and clears up any messes was really good to us. She opened the door as we entered and welcomed us. Later, she asked to take our trays so we would have more room on our table (we have 5 people in a 4 person space.) The high schoolers were being crazy, but she worked around them like a professional. We were all so impressed with her work ethics and told her how amazing she is! She said she has worked for Taco bell for like 20 years! That's impressive. You guys need to be praised for hiring and keeping such a loyal employee in times when cute, young girls are all the rage. Nice work Taco Bell!

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