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Report abuse on a Waffle House Store locations and Hours Post

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I should have known to leave when the waitress was in the entrance smoking and the parking lot was empty. Upon walking in I see two other ladies. All of the tables had a greasy film across them except one, which is where we sat. My family of four ordered two ribeye breakfasts, four waffles with sides of bacon and a bacon buscuit. The meats all came first. The steaks were fatty, cooked to done, full of fat, and looked as if it had been cut on. I have fed my dog things that looked better and would have been ashamed to serve it. The bacon was burned in the middle and the fatty ends comparable to raw. The biscuit with bacon was soggy, chewy, and had a smell I can not quite describe. The waffles came a full six minutes after the meats and were the only thing really edible. The scrambled eggs were over cooked and the over easy eggs my husband ordered had the yellow done. I will never, ever, step foot in this location again. It's very sad because I am a huge Waffle House fan. Stay away. Forty two dollars later, I am sick!

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