Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Denny's Store locations and Hours Post

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My family and I eat at this restaurant once a week. I have notice the overall experience is on the decline. Poor customer service. We had a party of 2 and party of 3. They served the 2 and said they would be right out with the rest. After almost 10 minutes, and being totally ignored, I stepped to the opening of the kitchen, where all the employees were gathered and asked about the rest if the order. Was told it would be out when it was done. Not sure who this woman was, no uniform of any kind, street clothes. Surely she wasn't management. Or, that might explain a lot. One order of bacon was rediculously burned. Oh sorry. Came back after we were nearly finished, gave 2 pieces of a different type of bacon to the wrong person. Never refilled our drinks. When we checked out, we mentioned it again. Sorry, we got kind of busy. There wasn't 5 tables being used. I think we've had our full. No Grand Slam, more like a "strke out."

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