Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Budget Store locations and Hours Post

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A lot of customers won't take the time and acknowledge when businesses treat them 'right'. But they are quick to write a review when something went 'wrong'. I just want to say that my experience with Budget was GREAT. I originally set up my reservation at a location that was convenient for me. However, I received a call asking that I pick it up from a different location. I was a bit uneasy with the idea because it was out of the way and it would've made me have to fight traffic. Long story short....on the way, I had to call ahead and let them know I was running late due to traffic but was still on my way. They were already closed when I got there. BUT they still waited for me and treated me as if I was the first customer of the day rather then keeping them from going home. Much appreciated. Now that is GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE. Hands down, Budget wins PRICE & CUSTOMER SERVICE!!

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