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Report abuse on a Burlington Coat Factory Store locations and Hours Post

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I Went to this burlington because the burlington close to my house didnt have my shoe size the girl that work in the one close to my house called this burlington and told them to hold a pair of boots and gave all the description, i was there so i heard the whole conversation and info. so i drive to this burlington i go to customer service and tell them i am here to pick up some shoes i put on hold i gave her my name the girl says nobody called by that name to hold any shoes so i ask the manager and the manager finds my box with my name on it and the girl says oh yeah i forgot. so i get annoyed they made me wait a while for that answer and bcus i drove from another burlington to this one and they had hold the wrong shoes and horrible customer service. so i look around this store and find another shoes i am interested in buying since they didnt have the ones i had put on hold then i go to the cashier getting ready to pay and complain to the manager to give me a 10% discount for their fault letting me waste gas driving to them and specially because they didnt hold the right shoes so he laughs like if it was funny and they didnt have nothing to do with that. yes is their fault my plan was go to them to pick up the right description so because is their fault for holding the wrong shoe they are suppose to keep the customer happy and at least give a 10% discount i swear i am never going here i didnt even bought those boots i was interested in. this place has BAD CUSTOMER SERVICE!

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