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Report abuse on a Big O Tires Store locations and Hours Post

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i recently purchased tires for my 2001 chevy 4wd from youre right front tire had a considerable amount of wear.after inspection the upper and lower ball joints were bad.i could not afford the repairs at the time.a alighnment was performed .to the best of the mechanics abilitys the work was performed.a little over a week later i returned to have the front end ball joints replaced and some other work also.the staff in youre front office are unprofessional.unfriendly not curtious to there customers.basicalliy i was turned away.these are not the people that i would fill comfortable leaving my vehicle with.also my father in law has had to bring his van back several times for the same looks like i will be purchasing my tires elsewhere in the future.i have always purchased my tires at big seems that the problem is at the yosemite big o.customers beware

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