Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Church's Chicken Store locations and Hours Post

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I have now been to Churches Chicken here in Whitehouse, Tx at least 5 times in the last three weeks, and it's usually been between 5 and 7 pm each time, and each time I have been told that they are out of spicy chicken. Now this last time ends it all, I called first and asked if they had spicy chicken and they said definately they had plenty, because I wanted enough for 8 people. I hung up the phone and went down to get the chicken, I live 3 minutes away, when I got there and placed my order I was told that they were out of the spicy chicken, so I ended up going down to the Kentucky Fried Chicken on the corner of Troup and 323, and bought my chicken there, because we wanted spicy chicken. If this is the way you intend to do business you should let people know so that they don't waste their time going to your location. Needless to say I will pass the word to all that I know in this area and tell them the type of service I've received.

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