Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Church's Chicken Store locations and Hours Post

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The worst experience I ever occurred. I placed my order from the drive thru when the young male employee asked me if I can go inside, cause there credit card machine was not working. I waited 20 mins so they can fix it, then I had forgot that I left my keys on the counter so I went back for them. I asked the employees if the saw them and they said no. I had to get a wrecker to come unlock my door ($50) plus to tow my car to my home another ($50). The next day my husband had to miss work so he can get the vehicle towed once again ($50) and go to the dealership to get another keyless remote programmed ($260). After that I told him I have a feeling the employees had my keys cause that was ths only place I got he took me back to Churches with different employees there just to find out all that time they had them.

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