Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Waffle House Store locations and Hours Post

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Tonight we visited the Waffle House on 5th st in St.Charles MO. The food was good as normal but we has an issue with the manager. Once the food arrived my wife was given gritts that she did not order. She has never been able to stomach them since childhood and did NOT order them. Upon being served she stated to the waitress she did not order them as another cook brought my sons food which also contained gritts he did not order. The cook stated she was in charge and ALL plates come with them. We have been eating at waffle house for several years and have never had this problem. The " acting manager" told my wife "not to get snotty with her", and she would scrape them off the plate. She then took the food back and removed the gritts and returned the rest of the food on the same plates, and walked away. She later returned to our table with a 10 % off coupon. I was very disappointed in the "managers" response and lack of professionalism she displayed as well as her management skills to resolve a simple issue.

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