Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Braum's Store locations and Hours Post

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Every time I go there they completely botch my order! One time they left my card and my drink on the counter and I had to go inside to get them also having to wait for my meal which they screwed up. Tonight I go and the lady is rushing me to order. I'm sorry, do you not understand what "one moment please" means? Then she totaled out our order too early before we were even done ordering because she was rushing. The employees are rude. They ask you if you want cheese yet don't give you any after you say yes. When you ask for ingredients to be left off they make you the burger with all of them still on it. Do they not write down or enter your special orders? Very unfriendly, the majority of them act like they are high and their eyes are glazed over. Terrible. The burgers: terrible. The service: terrible. They either need a new manager or need someone with a brain in customer service.

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