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Report abuse on a Bates Footwear Store locations and Hours Post

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I called to verify that they have the boots in size that I needed and the price when I got there to my surprise that they didn't have it and they couldn't get it and they lied to me. I asked them if they can do a comparable boots for the same price they told me no. I said, "Why can't you? You already lied to me to get me down here to look at other more expensive boots and you want to tell me that if I want those I have to pay more." They were rude. It's not even a so calked Bates outlet like I thought. It's a stupid uniform store. I eventually ordered the pair I need for $98.95 From they were originally $110 but I found a 10‰ off code so instead Of paying $180 or so at the other store I scored by getting them cheaper.

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