Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Wendy's Store locations and Hours Post

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My family and I will never go here again. Upon arriving at 8:30pm on 12-18-12 we found the dining room to be a filthy mess with food and garbage strewn all over the floor and tables.

Compounding matters was that the place was empty, except for the 3 employees taking a break in the dining room. Then there conversation starts to get loud. I mean ridiculously loud shouting across the dining room.

Well, my wife and I finally got to our breaking point when one employee shouted out to another returning to the kitchen," did you wash your hands?" The one in a blue shirt sitting next to him says "probably not" laughing aloud.

I don't know if she was the shift manager, but we did let them know that this was unacceptable and she apologized.

We are so disgusted that even my kids don't want to go there ever again(and they love Wendy's). This place used to be nice, but has gone downhill over the years.

Too bad!

M. Vescovi

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