Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Chili's Store locations and Hours Post

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I am actually a fellow server at another local Greenville franchise restaurant...I have gotten take out from this chili's 3 times in the past 2 months and ate inside once. Every time it gets worse and worse. The service is absolutely terrible!!! I mean come on, it's not that hard! Trust me, I know! Just put a fake smile, pay attention to the customer, and ALWAYS make sure they are 100% satisfied when they leave. In take away, I always wait at LEAST an extra 15 minutes for my food, the phone service is offensive and makes me feel like I'm bothering them for calling. There is never anyone at the desk when I walk in, and the place is disgusting!! I mean it's called a broom for Christ's sake. Also, I don't know who the dude was who helped me, I commend him for trying to act polite but the dude needed a chill pill. He was stressing ME out! Running around literally like a chicken without it's head! I work take out at my restaurant too, and I understand that things aren't presented the same way as they are on a plate, but seriously!? The food looks like it was dumped in the trash then put in a tray. Not only was I waiting for 30 minutes inside the restaurant for my food (curbside service does wonders people, get with it.) Not one employee even smiled my way, talk about a warm welcome. Even the other customers waiting with me said something about it. This restaurant needs a serious reality check. However long that takes, I will not be returning.

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