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Report abuse on a U.S. Post Office Store locations and Hours Post

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This post office/ mail carriers that deliver from there are horrible! 1. Everyone in the post office is unprofessional and snippy with customers. 2. They never have boxes or shipping supplies available. 3. It's always extremely busy, because they have 1-2 people working the counters. 4. They have lost 2 packages of mine (one being an expensive diaper bag). 5. The mail carrier that delivered to our area was never on any kind of schedule and we could never pinpoint when they'd deliver. 6. They clearly do not know the purpose of having mail forwarded when you move! 7. They must keep the phone off the hook because its always busy every time I call. I'm so fed up with them an sooo glad I moved, but I'm still dealing with these idiots because of their mistakes!!

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