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Report abuse on a U.S. Post Office Store locations and Hours Post

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I was told by the USPS customer service line that my package had been taken by UPS to this local post office location. When I arrived there was a line out the door for people waiting to be helped, which is typical for the holiday season, however, there was no sign or information provided as to where packages were to be picked up. After waiting in line I was directed to a side door whereupon I was told that my package was not at that location and was on a truck being delivered. This was dismaying news as I had to waste so much time, but not necessarily the worst news to receive. What made this experience extremely dissatisfying was that every single person I spoke with was rude to the point of abject meanness. I was treating like a moron by the person at the front desk and then blatantly told I was an idiot by the parcel pickup woman because I didn't know that my package was on a truck. Honestly I can see why no one wants to use the regular mail anymore if this is the kind of treatment given to those of us who do use it. So now I have delayed Christmas presents for my family and a hateful representation of the United States Postal Service.

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