Report Abuse

Report abuse on a U.S. Post Office Store locations and Hours Post

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These people at this location do not deserve their jobs here. They must be constantly overwhelmed but upon arriving on a consistent basis, it seems like they just need to paycheck, not service the customers. No one has ANY idea what customer service is, nor do they like the neighborhood that it seems like most of them come from.

People need jobs and then you have an establishment like this and people like this The economy need to save money? Stop looking at transit and attack this HUGE waste of time, money and space. The government needs to look at this entity of theirs here in East New York on Atlantic Avenue and monitor this place scrupulously and fire all of them from top to bottom and use the place for something else! Sorry for the elderly people in the area, however I am certain they do not even enjoy going there. There is a resounding neighborhood 'sigh' when you know the folks at FEDEX sends your package there, or when you have to pick up ANYTHING there.

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