Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Super Nails Store locations and Hours Post

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While this business is clean with competitive prices, that may be the only good thing about it. My tech rushed me through, and when I decided to get a gel French manicure because it would last two weeks, she then proceeded to a) cut my finger with the nail buffer and proceed not to notice b) leave flecks of my previous nail polish on my nail and c) give me a minute long hand massage while the nail polish dried. What a rip off! But I still paid, because they looked decent, other than the red flecks from my previous nail polish around my cuticle. However, they chipped the next day!!! When I went in to demand a refund, they pointed to a tiny sign (that they never showed me when I paid) that said they don't give refunds. The nail tech proceeded to go to the back to "talk to her manager" only to later admit they don't have one, and finally, after many rude glances from the nail techs and my insisting, I got only half of my money back. What an awful experience.

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