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Report abuse on a U.S. Post Office Store locations and Hours Post

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I was following my package via tracking website and I knew my package was on its way to be delivered yesterday. I made it a point to be home all morning so I could be sure to be there when it came because it was an important package. Not only did it never come but when I went to my mailbox, there was a, "Sorry we missed you" note! Missed me?? You never tried to come to my door! I called and was apologized to and asked if I wanted t redelivered or if I wanted to pick it up between 8am and noon. I said I'd pick it up since I was going to the gym. I got to the post office a quarter after 8 and it was closed. I had been misinformed and they don't open until 9am on Saturdays! Then I tried to call (after 9am) and ask if I could get it delivered since I had already been there and didn't want to pack my daughter up for a second trip. The guy whoa swerved the phone was SO rude. After a rude greeting, being short with me (all I did was ask if it were possible for them to still deliver it today), and him HANGING UP without any sort of parting words, I think it's safe to say I'm OVER that post office and I will avoid it at ALL COSTS.

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