Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Taco Bell Store locations and Hours Post

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I will NEVER go to this location again. My husband, our 2 girls & I were there on Sunday & the food was disgusting & the service was even worse. The employees continuously spoke in their own language & were ignorant. They screwed up orders & never apologized for their mistake. Their napkin dispenser were empty, we asked for some & never got anything, not even a reply. The order our girls & myself got should have come in a box, but instead the front worker threw all the orders in a big bag all together. When we asked her for 3 boxes, that were supposed to come with it, we were told that they didn't come with boxes & that they didn't have any. My opinion is that if you are working & there are customers in the store, speak ENGLISH. It's rude to talk in another language when you have customers. I will go to McDonalds up the street from now on, they have better food & their staff is A LOT BETTER. I have NEVER been so offended as I was that evening.

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