Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Metro PCS Store locations and Hours Post

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Original Post

this store is very messed up! the worse metro pcs store i have been to! first i went in to get the new 4g phone for 30.00 for my daughter for christmas and the man didnt know anything about it. so he gave me a plan for 55.00 until he seen it on the tv that has been playing for the last 3weeks lol. then i purchased the phone and before i can give it to her on christmas she started getting nasty text messages on her phone. remind you she is only 13 years old. i took the phone back to change the number and they charged me 15.00! wow seems like they should have just changed it. the number was just recently used it wasnt our fault! i will never go to this store again and i wouldnt want anyone else to!

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