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Report abuse on a Metro PCS Store locations and Hours Post

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Horrible location. I was told to come in 4 days to purchase a bluetooth headset lg tone+ and I went back, and a lady working supposidly the manager Ericka laughed at me and told me no way. Now three days before christmas I have no gift for my brother, as I could have bought it online, but waited for the promise I was given. The lady or so called lady was yelling at me being unbelievably rude, laughing under her breath so much that her co-worker kept telling her to calm down and not talk to customers that way. All the other 10-15 customers were looking at her in disbelief. This also is a "manager". funny... She was the rudest most unrespectful person I have ever dealt with. So make your choice. It would probably benefit you to go elsewhere as they would not give me a number or name for a upper manager or owner which I will find. John

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