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Report abuse on a Starbucks Store locations and Hours Post

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I give you guys a 5 star rating because all the staff are wonderfull and we always get a good hot coffee drink when we order. But this one time when we were in a rush to get back to Mornville, to pick up our grand daughter from school so we can take her to the dentist appiontment you guys made a Boo Boo . At 9:40 am we ordered a Grandi Carmel Maciado and a Earl Grey Chi Steamed Tea from your take out window and we didnt get what we had ordered. Now we didnt realize this until we we were on the highway heading back to Mornville. We were short of time, (for we had to pick up our grandaughter at 10 am) and couldn't turn back to return our wrong coffees. We ended up getting someones elses black coffee and some other cream tea. Boy were we every disappointed as when we left Mornville to head to Saint Albert just to pick up a couple of shopping items, so we forewent having our home coffee so that we could get one of your specialty coffees for the morning. Anyway its was Monday 19th and I'm just letting you know I will be back to Saint Ablert maybe tomorrow Tue 20th or Wed.21th and returning these two coffee drinks to get my order. Hopefully it will still be extra hot like I ordered it. Thanks Rod .

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