Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Hertz Store locations and Hours Post

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Upon getting to the pick up counter, agent apologized for giving away my car. No cars in my class, so i had to take a downgrade or wait hours. Fine, stuff happens. No problems with the car itself. After returning the car, hertz charged me for 5 extra days. I called, waited for over 20 minutes and spoke to a rude customer service agent who eventually said there would be an investigation and we'd hear back in 48 hours. Four days later, still nothing. I wrote an email through the hertz website w all of the details, no response. Called again, on hold for 20 min again, customer service agent said to call local pick up location, all managers "too busy" to talk. I called local pick up location. The guy hung up on me. When I called back, he said that he had to take another call. He reported that a manager would contact me in the next day. Overall, 3 weeks later, I still have charges for a car that I was no longer using. Both the pick up location and hertz as a corporation failed. I will not be using hertz in the future.

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