Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Hertz Store locations and Hours Post

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Original Post

Be very careful with the Hertz in Bedford Hills. 1) Condition of car report: When I took delivery of the car at the BMW dealership in Mt Kisco, it was the early am. The car was covered in morning dew...and they wanted me to gauge the car for scratches, dents and issues. I told them it was difficult due to the current car condition. 2) They told me the car was 5/8 tank of gas, but the fuel gauge dropped to 1/2 tank within 2 miles of the pickup 3) When I returned the car car at 5/8 (having just filled up) they later charged me $19.27 for gas saying it wasnt at the required level. 4) When I called to discuss they were unable to rectify I feel it is my responsibility to warn others of their poor business practices (as I told Hertz I would do).

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