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Report abuse on a Hertz Store locations and Hours Post

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Booked a reservation a monthago for 11:30am pick up. when I arrive there are over 100 people standing around waiting for a vehicle. This is the worst case of overcooking I have ever witnessed. And they make no apologyiesfor it. I was just told " is their peak season and this is how it is" words straight from the manager! Sad option. After I was her 1 hour the mge finally told the clerks to stop booking new reservations. .. ya think? !!! When I asked if something happened to cause such delay I was assured by Ivy that it is always life this on Mondays and Tuesdays! Really? ? Today is Wednesday! ! I have rented from budget and now and have never experienced this kind of disaster. the one time budget would not handle they set me up with another company and I had a TOTAL 25 minute delay. I am already at 1.5 hours and all waiting. My time matters too. I have already missed one meeting.

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