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Report abuse on a Goodyear Store locations and Hours Post

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These people don’t have the KNOW-HOW or the ABILITY to repair your vehicle. WillerWinn Goodyear is close to my home, that’s the reason I took my car there. When they inspect my car they charged a service charge and didn’t even find the defective part that was in front of them. I needed to show them the part that was bad and then they wanted to fix it. There was no way I was going to let them do any work on my car. I get in my car and took to a reliable shop to get the work done. This was not the first time I have been there, but thought after a few years later they may have changed personal. Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!! The experience I had with them was the same then as today. They’re also very rude to their customs. I would suggest going somewhere else for tiers or an inspection or any other type of work!!!!!!!!!!! BEWARE

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