Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Goodwill Store locations and Hours Post

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Will never shop at this store again. I tried several items on, was having trouble reaching and undoing a zipper. I guess they thought I was taking too long. From then on I was treated like a thief. The manager kept watching. The store security person just "happened" to come over and chat with me. The cashier tried to charge me for my own water bottle, as if I was trying to get away with it -- I've never stolen a thing in my life, nor have been tempted to do so. If trying on clothes is counted as suspicious behavior, they don't have to worry. I won't be doing business there. My parents had a business many years ago and I venture to say some ~were- thieves. But we never mistreated our customers or made them feel the way I was made to feel today - especially when they were innocent of wrongdoing.hys

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