Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Monro Muffler Brake Store locations and Hours Post

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For quite a number of years, the manager was always up front with me - never tried to sell me anything I didn't need. He actually was spoken to by the higher-ups because they weren't getting enough complaints (i.e. they weren't trying to push repairs or parts the customer didn't need)-can you believe it!! - Well, awhile ago the manager left and was replaced. Since then it's been all downhill. Wanting to charge me $400 to replace anti-lock brake wiring that my regular mechanic repaired easily. Suggesting replacing pinion seals that didn't need replacing. Charging 1 & 1/2 hours for work that their own mechanic said was just removing ONE BOLT. The oil they use is CRAP - since my regular mechanic has been changing the oil, it has been burning much less oil because of the better quality oil he uses. My stepson brought his car in to get an estimate for a muffler system- when he called back to get the estimate he said it was way too high and not to do the work - they said they had already started working on it and charged him $1200 for a $400 job. I called the district manager shortly after I started experiencing problems and a couple times after that - he said he would get back to me and twice he never did. Do yourself a favor and pay a bit more and have REAL MECHANICS do the work!

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