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i just recently made a visit to this goodwill store in the airport plaza and they had me at hello. its been a while since i have been there. before the store was so dull and the people were so dry, now you walk in and you are greeted with a smile, everyone seems so cheerful. they always have the store so beautifully decorated with eye catching displays.i am a big thrift shopper and i shop at alot of the other goodwills and this is the most cleanest one. the staff there is so helpful and the manager is the most gracious person, i love her !!! she is like my personal stylist,i am always walking in there with no idea on what im wearing to work or to an event and she whips up something fabulous in ten minutes! and also gives me tips on what does/doesn't flatter my figure lol, this store is always full of great things. check it out!!

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