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I want to commend an employee by the name of Antonio Garcia at the Walmart Store in Espanola, NM 87532. I happened to be at the Walmart Store late into the evening and since I had had a previous bad experience at he parking lot, I hesitated at the door before stepping out. A very polite young man asked me if I needed help. I told him that I had not realized it had gotten so dark and I was afraid to go to my car because of a previous experience. He said that he would be happy to escort me out. He immediately called someone and told them what he was about to do. He walked me to my car and stayed there until my groceries were in. I asked him for his name and not only did he tell me but he showed me his identification badge. I was extremely impressed and hope that you let him know this. I hope this was part of his training, but I also believe that there are many nice people in the world and in Espanola, NM. Thank you Antonio Garcia!

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