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I am very disappointed with the supervisor in the Walmarts electronic the East Windsor,N.J. store. According to their website starting August 24th they are taking pre-orders for the playstation 4 console.I went Aug.24th to place my order & I couldn't do it. The employees had no idea what I was talking about,then after they asked around I was told yes pre-ordering was suppose to happen but the supervisor in electronics is on vacation & nobody besides him knows where the pre-order cards are located at.They told me they have no idea when they will get them & just looked at me like why are you still here? I felt like I was in Romper Room rather than Walmart.Maybe you should do something to this supervisor that left his dept. like that,after all since he is supervisor that would be his responsibility to leave instruction for the workers or to another supervisor,right? Then maybe have your employees take some kind of seminar on how to treat a customer the right way to make sure they come back again....Guess I am off to Targtet! Thanks for nothing

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