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I have had this experience several times in your store in Gainesville, Ga. People come through the line with different piles of groceries out on the counter and I always wonder if they are buying for several different people but to my dismay it is wic items and I have timed this for two times when I have had this experience. I have stood there for 45 minutes both times while one cart is finally ushered through. People lined behind me, store as busy as can be. Saw one man two lanes over last night take his groceries back to where he got them and leave. This is ridiculous. When you might have milk or ice cream in your cart at least the ice cream is melted and the milk is not suppose to be out that long. Seems like a few isles like the fast isles should be reserved for people with WIC items so all of them can be processed through for the same reason. People usually follow directions about which cash register to go to so I think they would go to the WIC isle if that is where they are suppose to go. I go on different days and different times with no luck on this. I love to shop for groceries at wal mart but this is getting to be almost every time I go and getting to be a problem. Thank you for your time, Respectfully Jane McClure

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