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A cake order placed 1 week in advance time of pick up 12 p.m. When we arrive at walmart Leesville Louisiana store 0405 the very rude lady says the time was changed to 8 p.m. Who has a child's birthday party after 8 in the evening........ Also can't figure out what the cake was I do believe it was an employee who took the order...really.... The attitude from one employee in particular was off the charts. This was the last straw for me I will be driving to the next closest store the atmosphere is reason enough they also have a much wider selection.... This was my friends childs birthday I myself have 5 children and a very large mouth so that is 5 cakes lost and I am going to spread the word like nobody's business so that wil be a major loss for such a small town. We have a few bakerys here pay a little more for wonderful service

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