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I have shopped at the Walmart at El Dorado Parkway and FM 423 since moving to Frisco in late November. I use the pharmacy as well as other departments. On several occasions, I have encountered items out of stock. The one today was Diet Pepsi. As I mentioned this is the most recent of several times that this has happened. The store contact offers EXCUSES such as we are doing inventory or blames the vendor and says there is nothing they can do. Inventory at 4 pm? Really? You need to get a few of those straphangers that are always cluttering up the isles in Rogers and Bentonville and see if they are capable of running a store. Otherwise shut it down. Unlike NW Arkansas, we have several major grocery stores that can keep products on the shelves. Check with Mr Adams in your logistics dept to see if inventory, vendors and stocking of shelves can be improved.

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