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I am writing about the Walmart supercenter store in Fishkill, NY. I think that your CEO should go visit this store... its cleanliness is NOT up to standards! The front bathrooms are to AVOID I would not let my dog go in there! The shelves are disheveled ALL THE TIME!!! The place is in constant shambles the people who work there don not keep themselves clean they are all greased hair sloppy clothing, and slow as molasses there are limited good cashiers! I just feel that the place could use a GOOD CLEANING!!! and updating!!!! I know half the customers are the cause to an extent but they do have to clean up after them the place can't be like it is! Over the years it has just really went down hill, its really a shame! I go in walmarts elsewhere and they are not like this! I know this is a busy store but you really need to figure out a better system to keeping up with the customers bad habits! I know you shouldn't have to but ya kinda do for the sake of your own business! I'm sorry but it needed to be reported. Thank you for your time and attention to my complaint.

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