Report Abuse

Report abuse on a H&R Block Store locations and Hours Post

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I dropped off my taxes on a Monday and they indicated they could have my return done within 5 business being reasonable I put down the date I require my taxes done as 6 business days later. After hearing nothing by business day 8, I call. They seemed surprised that no one had called me to schedule a follow up appointment as my taxes were complete. The individual told me to just come in and sign a few papers and then the process would be complete. I questioned if I needed an appointment and they replied “no” as it would only take a few minutes. I arrived at the store and observed a very unorganized atmosphere where what I was told would take a few minutes…ended up taking 45 minutes…and all they had to do was print my cheque! They keep serving customers ahead of me, after they had started to serve me..never recognizing that it was their fault that my return was delayed and it would have been suitable to offer some customer service in an attempt to maintain a client… Signed very disappointed!

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