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I would not recommend the Ashley furniture store in billings mt. I am a newly wed and me and my wife went into Ashley to purchase a furniture set. We were looking at this brown Swed set. We were told by the first salesman that it was included in the 20% off category so we said we would take it but had to get our truck, when we came back a lady said she would help us. She then told us that it was not 20% off and so on and so forth, so that wasn't that big of a deal. Well we decided on spending more and getting a brown leather reclining couch and love seat. We paid WITH CASH, i think it was near $2,000. They told us they had to order the couch and it would be here in 2 weeks. We waited close to a month and still no couch. We kept coming into the store and they acted irritated with us. After sitting on pillows in our new house for nearly a month I finally asked for a refund. They didn't really want to give me one, said they would issue me a check ( i waited 1 month for a couch didn't know how long i would wait for a check) - The salesmen promised me to come back in 2 days and they would have my couch. So i drove home, (112 miles) On my way back into billings i get a phone call. The guy told me that they had my couch's and to come get them. He was very specific and told me to DRIVE IN THE BACK, that i didn't have to come in the store, They would load me out right away. Well this seemed very fishy to me and my wife, So we came in the front door, and walked up to the counter, on my way there i noticed the couches were missing from the display. I thought that odd because i had asked if we could buy those at a discount, and they told me they couldn't sell those until next year. So the guy takes us to the back and says here is your couches, do you want them wrapped? Well after me and my wife waiting a month and coming into the store more than 10 times we kinda knew what the stupid couches looked like. The love seat had a weird crease in the right side arm (it still does to this day) The guy thought he could sell us the displays at full price (without even telling us!). So i asked him if they were new why wasn't there any wrapping on the couches? He said they all came that way. ( I knew this wasn't true because my parents have spent quite allot of money there) So then i asked why was the couches gone from the display? I thought you couldn't sell those ones? Why is there a toothpick in the side of the couch? He didn't have much to say, said he didn't know where they had gone. Seriously? Did he think even though we are young we could be that stupid?? ------Well after a long frustrating battle, i finally had to give in, my wife wanted those couches and we had already waited that long. So for the record, THEY DIDN'T GIVE US A DISCOUNT ON THE DISPLAY MODELS THEY SOLD US, THEY WERE DISRESPECTFUL, THEY WERE VERY DISHONEST, AND I WOULD NEVER RECOMMEND ANYONE TO BUY FROM THE ASHLEY STORE IN BILLINGS MONTANA! A few months later i got this phone call while i was in California on vacation. It was a followup to see how my experience was with Ashley Furniture, I started to tell the lady all of they junk they pulled , i was only about half ways into it and she "lost connection" with me. She didn't want to hear about it, maybe she didn't believe me but i have been a pastors son all my life, and i would never slander a name unless someone did such a wrong as they have done.

P.S I dont remember my salesperson's name, but we weren't hard people to work with, if you would have just told us it was the displays and asked if that was ok we would of been more than happy to work with you guys, i just wont be manipulated. Also if i get contacted to say they were brand new, the big couch might of been, but we are 100%%% positive the loveseat was your display model. It was my toothpick from a week before

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