Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Fashion Exchange Store locations and Hours Post

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Used to like this place. I have consigned there a couple of times ... this last time when I asked for my final payment the owner was very rude telling me I am one of the few who ever worry about picking up your clothes are getting their final payment. I was told they do not mail checks out for $25 or less. I do realize that it is in the contract and I ask if I can come by and pick it up. She told me it's best if I start to consign someplace else. Where did that come from!! these are my clothes and my money. I have taken family there and friends from out of town I have purchased clothes there myself. I do not understand the hostile attitude. I went by and picked up my money today before they wind up going out of business. With an attitude like that it is only in inevitable. There are many other places to do business with in this town. I called Ritzy Rags, their competitor down the street and they were lovely on the phone. What a difference. Has anyone else had a rude experience ...I would love to hear about it. It really hurt my feelings!

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