Report Abuse

Report abuse on a AT&T Store locations and Hours Post

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An employee at the AT&T store in Canon City, CO sold me a phone with a 2 year contract, then offered a "free $25 Lightning cable" with the purchase of a "$35 Otterbox phone case"... While checking out she mentioned I needed a screen protector as well and I agreed. She then proceeded to take the Otterbox screen protector out of the case and put it on the phone for me. I realized after I got home that the bill seemed much too high. When I looked at it I saw that she took off the $25.00 charge for the "free Lightning cable, but then charged me $25.00 for the screen protector that she took out of my Otterbox packaging! Unbelievable! You can't sell someone something that came out of a package that they already bought?! >:-/

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