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Report abuse on a AT&T Store locations and Hours Post

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I went to this store last year around October. I needed a new phone and I wanted to renew my contract with AT&T. I had the worst experience there. The guy who works at this store offered me a phone which right now doesn't work anymore. I just found out that he has sold me a used phone!!! Of course, I purchased it as new. At that time, he also told me he would do the rebate for me and I would receive the rebate money back in my first payment. Didn't happen! I called several times, until he told me to go to the store only to tell me that he will do it later and me going there was a waste of time. I did tell him that I didn't like this experience and that I would call AT&T (although he said they do not work today! what a lier)... Bottom point is, I would never go to that AT&T store again and I would advice anyone to NOT go there.

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