Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Aldi Store locations and Hours Post

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Recently visited the Aldis in west Erie, Pa, at around 2:30 pm. I must say I was very disappointed in the service I received. I usually shop there for canned goods. After taking the time to go thru and find the items that were not damaged or dented, and neatly stacked my items in cases, I went thru check out line of a blond cashier named Carrie who defeated my efforts by throwing my items into the cart with disregard if organization or damage. In the end I had a pile groceries dented and damaged treated like dirt. I had to spend another 45 min reorganizing my groceries and picking thru the damaged cans. I've never been treated in such a manner and was very offended by Carries actions. I am hoping this young lady is reprimanded and customer service is very important for repeat customers!

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