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Report abuse on a Aldi Store locations and Hours Post

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I was just so grossed out the last couple of days me and my husband go to aldi to get our hamburger meat we were going to make manwiches and when my husband took a bite he had a piece of something in it that looked like a piece of a sliver of bone or a really fine piece of a wood chip but then yesterday we fixed some of the hamburger again to make hamburger and macaroni and my husband finds a piece of plastic in it while he is cooking it. I am never getting my hamburger meat there again me and my husband have been sick for about 2 days off of this meat alone and I'm pregnant so I don't know what it did to my unborn baby but I'm returning it today and I'm hopefully l'll get a full refund on it and they won't be dicks about it since the package says 100% guarantee will refund your money or replace it.

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