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Today I went to the Woodland Park, Co. Taco Bell. A bad idea. I tried to order the medium drinks advertised on the drive through menu board. After considerable effort I ordered a cherry lemonade, no help from the waiter on the other end! I ordered a burrito supreme with the drink and waited in line for a long time and finally picked up my order. You have confused help. The burrito was cold and did not have very much to offer, very small. I drove back and walked inside and told the young lady the burrito was cold and I wanted to sell it back to her. She said she would have to get the manager. Manager comes from the back room and asked how long ago did I purchase it, and I told her 3 to 4 minutes ago. She says nothing further and tuns and walks to the cooking station and asks if they [the cooks] had followed procedure. I look at the young girl and said forget it and leave the store. You need to get your act together!! I won't be back for further bad service! Thank you for your time. Mike

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