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Report abuse on a Cash America Store locations and Hours Post

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I've done business with this company since 2010. They are very cordial and always willing to assist when you're in need! I have a few warnings for people before you decide to do business with Cash America or any other pawn shop. 1) Be mindful of the time frame you have when you pawn something for a loan. 2) The maximum monthly interest rate company's can charge is 25%. Cash America charges the maximum! 3) According to the Pawnbroking Act, you have 60 days from the date of the pawn to pick up your merchandise. 4) Pawn America DOES NOT extend a courtesy call if your default date is approaching. Unfortunately for me, I fell on hard times and ended up in the hospital! I pawned a new 60" Sharp smart-tv for a $400 loan. I ended up in the hospital and was a month late; therefore, I defaulted. Had I received a courtesy call, a family would have picked it up. I'm sure an employee kept the TV; you're welcome! I will NEVER EVER return; bad business! BUYER BEWARE!

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