Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Swarovski Store locations and Hours Post

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I went in to get my necklace repaired and none of the lady's could find the time to assist me pretending they were busy with cleaning and staring at cabinets. After a few moments the manager who I was speaking too made me wait so long because she apparently had a important phone call that was worth more of her time and didn't return to check up at all. Suddenly, A Gentleman saw I was waiting for quite some time. He apologized for the wait and continued to help me with my repair, I was completely honest with him I explained that I hardly wore this necklace and in less than 2 months several crystals fell out. He told me he would make an exception to replace it for me. He was very helpful and walked me through how to polish and clean my necklace after I wear it with the handy gloves to avoid future problems. I can tell he saved me from a lot of conflict and because of his great customer service I will definitely return as a shopper to this particular company knowing there is someone helpful at that location.

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