Report Abuse

Report abuse on a H&R Block Store locations and Hours Post

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I required help with not one mistake, but 2 major mistakes made by the Broad street office bethlehem. I spoke to one of the manager's Becky at the airport rd allentown office. NO help at all! She initially was great and told me that my initial fee would be returned by the close of the week and that she would call me back after she would attempt to contact the IRS. No return phone call's, no refund by the end of the week. I have been calling for the past 2 days and NO return phone calls. I will never go to H&R block again! I also called corporate and filed a complaint. The other thing this so called manager did was complain to me (the customer) about her new position and how she did not like it stating, "I should have remained a tax preparer at the Broad st. Office". Well she should have b/c she is not doing a good job as a manager..Such a bad experience, never encountered a manager that does not return calls! Well that is my rant, customers beware not a professional bunch to say the least!

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