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Report abuse on a H&R Block Store locations and Hours Post

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When I came here for a return the "tax professional" determined I would only receive a total return of $700 , would owe $250 and then had to pay them like $420 so I basically would walk away with nothing.

Luckily I had started filling out a return on TurboTax before coming to H&R and it said I was getting a minimum of $1400 so I didnt file with H&R --- I received a total of $1550 back and only owed $20 to the state and paid $70 to file in all three states. Whoever this woman was does not know what she was doing and on top of it she was constantly speaking to me in a condescending tone as if I was completely ignorant but apparently if you look at the returns it was her who was the ignorant one.

Not to mention when I complained that I had been informed 1040ez's cost $40 a file so where did $420 come from she told me she could lower it to $375 -- who knew H&R could haggle their prices? Never going back

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