Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Sports Direct Store locations and Hours Post

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The store is good for low cost clothing etc. but I felt compelled to write this review after my last experience there. At the checkout, the sales girl put my shopping in a bag and charged me for it. I was in a rush, and only noticed after I left the shop. I would have returned straight away, but they were closing as I was leaving. The girl didn't ask me if I wanted to buy a bag, nor did I say I wanted to buy a bag. I returned the following morning with the bag, and complained to the manager. I also confronted the girl who obviously denied it. But like all people who lie, she became red when I challenged her version of the 'truth'. As I said to the manager, its not the money, I was really angry at how she thought she could con me, just so she could get a bonus for selling those bags. The manager reluctantly gave me a refund which they don't usually do. It was only 79p, but it was well worth it to see the look on the girls face, thinking she got away with it.

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